Technology has introduced revolutionary changes in all areas of life and even in education. It is impossible to ignore the tremendous impact that modern technologies have on new generation of students. Children grow up with laptops, tablets, various gadgets and modern digital systems. With that in mind, the importance of technology in education becomes more obvious. Therefore, it is important that students learn to harness all the potential of modern society since this modern approach has brought changes at all levels of education, from elementary school to college.
Today, ICT has become an unavoidable part of our daily life and society. The advent of ICT has brought many useful changes in human life. ICT has played a huge role in education during the covid pandemic. Post- covid classrooms are advancing through ICT. Therefore, it is very important for us, the future teachers to know how to use ICT in classrooms so that we can transform ourselves into a techno-pedagog.
Recognising the importance of this, GCTE Thycaud inaugurated ICT cell on 10 November, 2022. The event was held in the General Hall and anchored by Ms.Kavya Dinesh. It began with an invocation of the Almighty by Ms. Maria George and Ms. Revathy B R rendered the welcome speech. The inaugural ceremony was headed by the principal, Dr. V K Santhosh Kumar sir who pointed the positive as well as negative sides of technology and traced the timeline of the development of a modern technological society. The inaugural speech by Santhosh sir was followed by the felicitation address by Dr.Rajashree K, Staff Council Secretary, GCTE. She talked about Marc Prensky and his concept of digital natives and digital immigrants and she adviced us become as competant as a digital native. The official inauguration came to a close with Ms.Jessy delivering the vote of thanks.
The formal function was followed by a one day workshop on Digital Resources in Education, which gave hands-on-experience sessions handled by the resource persons cum teachers of GCTE, Dr. Jayakrishna teacher and Dr. Praveena teacher from 10:30 am - 3:30 pm at the computer lab. The forenoon session was handled by Praveena Ma'am and she talked about various e-resources in education. She mentioned about e-books, e-journals, e-theses & dissertations and blogs. This session came to an end with a reflection and feedback given by Mr. Abhijith. The afternoon session began at 1: 30 pm and was lead by Dr. Jayakrishna Ma'am. She gave us instructions and made us create google docs, google forms, google classroom and other essential applications for students. This session ended with the feedback and reflection told by Ms. Gayathri.