On 11 January 2023, the General Hall 2 of GCTE witnessed, oath taking of the new college union. This program was postponed to this date due to school induction program and other functions at the college. It was conducted immediately after our assembly around 9: 45 am.

Our principal Dr. V. K. Santhosh Kumar sir, Vice Principal Dr. Jolly S, other teachers and the students of B.Ed and M.Ed were present throughout the function. Our principal inaugurated the ceremony and delivered the inaugural address. Principal gave some important instructions, reminded the duties of the union, gave a glimpse of the activities of the earlier union and also greeted the newly elected leaders. This was followed by the felicitation by the Vice Principal in which she shared her experience as a teacher along with some suggestions and greetings. Rosh kumar sir, the Physical Education trainer of GCTE gave some general instruction about the procedures to be followed while taking the oath. He then called out the names of each representatives to come forward and to take the oath before the students of GCTE.

Praveen Kumar, the chairman of the college union was first called to the stage. The Principal read out some portion of the oath and later Praveen completed it. After this, Vice Chairperson, Revathy B.R; General secretary, Vignesh R; UUC, Sibana. S; Arts Club Secretary, Keerthana Anil; Magazine Editor, Amal Muhammed and Sports Club Secretary, Ajmal Roshan took their oaths. 

11 students were also selected as representatives of 11 departments in our college. They all stood together to take the oath. Jessy as the representative of English department, Parvathy as the representative of Malayalam department, Jennifa as the representative of Tamil department, Reshma as the representative of Sanskrit department, Gayathri as the representative of Hindi department, Sandhya as the representative of Physical Science, Ancila as the Social Science representative, Sruthy as the representative of Commerce department, Rakendu as the  Mathematics department representative, Devika as the Geography department representative and Kavya Sagar as the Natural science department representative took their oaths before the principal.

After this, Principal imvited the chairman Praveen to deliver his message and instructions to students. He said that all the students should be present in the various programs held in the college and should give due support to the union. He promised an efficient and good union for the coming year. The program came to an end at 10:30 am. 

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